BikeCap reseller

LockReseller login

Over 900 retailers and wholesalers are official resellers of BikeCap products. BikeCap offers its resellers many advantages. As a reseller you are, for instance, eligible for the best promotional offers, reduced rates on products, and benefit from free promotional and display materials.

Reseller benefits at a glance

Sign up for our special reseller program and enjoy the following benefits! 

  • Order products at a reduced rate.
  • Always the first to know about new products.
  • Promotional material available: free or for a small fee.
  • Purchase on account with a payment term of 14 days.

Our latest products!

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Sign up as a reseller

Are you a retailer and would you like to become a  reseller of our BikeCap products? Which can! Fill in this application form. 

We will create an account for you and you will receive the login details as soon as possible with which you can easily place online orders.

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